Unisom Simple Slumbers Melatonin Sleep Aid Gummies Review

Loved getting to try out these melatonin gummies from Unisom. Home Tester Club sent me the Simple Slumbers sleep gummies to test and review. Love that these are low dose (5mg) gummies making them safer for kids as well as allowing me to take less melatonin than pill options. Serving size is 2 gummies, so it is easy to cut it down to 2.5 mg or to have half a gummy for even less if you just need a tiny amount to help you fall asleep at first. These are made out of high quality ingredients and they don't stick in your teeth making it great for before bed. The midnight raspberry flavor is great and tastes like gummy candies, so be careful not to eat too many! :) 

 I found the Unisom gummies to be faster acting than pill options and that they help me to fall asleep quickly. The lower dose also seems like it avoids the vivid dream side effect of higher dose. I also tend to stay asleep better than I do when taker higher amounts of melatonin. I would definitely buy these again.

