Coca Cola with Coffee Review and Taste Test | Coke and Coffee | CocaCola Coffee

I wasn't sure what to expect when we decided to try the Coca Cola with Coffee. It isn't something I'd normally go for, but we happened to find a rebate on iBotta so decided to try it out. There are five varieties: Vanilla, Dark Blend, Caramel, Zero Sugar Vanilla, and Zero Sugar Dark Blend. We are only taste testing the Dark Blend today.

The first taste was definitely that of traditional Coca-Cola. It was very sweet and you could taste the soda syrup. In fact, I don't feel like I could really taste the coffee at all until after I swallowed. The coffee ended up being more of an after taste than mixed evenly with the Coke. Surprisingly, the flavor combination does seem to work. I think a Dark Blend is almost needed for the coffee flavor to appear at all, as the cola flavor is very overpowering. While this wasn't a new favorite drink of mine, it definitely wasn't unpleasant. I would consider drinking again. 

The pitfalls for me were the price point ($1.88 for 12oz) and I think I'd actually rather drink my soda and coffee separately to more fully enjoy the experience. This would be a great drink for on the go, or traveling, or possibly for those that aren't huge fans of coffee - but then I'd say maybe just stick to pop. Given how inexpensive coffee and coke are generally, this seemed like a very expensive alternative which would limit how often I would be willing to purchase. However, if you regularly purchase energy drinks, this is probably a good deal to trade into. 

