NPET KM20 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Review

Working from home has made me realize how cumbersome wired keyboard/mouses are. For one thing, they take up valuable desk space, limiting how much room I have for writing or my coffee, along with limiting mouse movement. For another you have to be within a certain distance of you monitors. While most of the time I do use standard monitors, I also like the ability to use my TV as a monitor when working on certain projects. Enter the wireless keyboard and mouse. 

Once again, I went with an NPET product because I've had so much luck with them on other products. This one has proved to be of similar high quality and functionality. The keyboard is full size, but incredibly light weight. It also has a number pad making it usable for even the most advanced spreadsheet nerd (like me). The mouse has adjustable DPI so you can control how much it moves with each movement of your hand. The nice part is both connect to your computer using only 1 USB dongle (fob, plugin, whatever you call it). 

Both connected almost instantly, as in they both worked by the time I could move the mouse after plugging into a USB port. 

A few tech specs: 
Copied from NPET KM20 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo Amazon Listing

The keyboard runs on 1-AAA battery, while the mouse runs on 1-AA battery, neither of which are included. It would be nice to have them run on the same battery type, but this is a minor inconvenience. They both are said to work up to 33 feet away. I haven't found a reason to get before 15 feet, but they work perfectly at this distance. The mouse does have an on/off switch to help save battery life. It should be compatible with almost all operating systems. We have an older system and it worked just fine as well as when we tried it on a windows 10 system. 

Overall, it is well worth the price, coming it at around $18 at time of posting. Both work very well and are comfortable for full day usage. I would definitely consider getting again for another work station in our household and would recommend for others looking for an affordable home office option. 

