SZXSDY Silicone Mask Extender | Ear Saver for Masks | Mask Strap

With mask mandates being in place for several months now, you may have noticed that the mask straps tend to cut in to your ears a bit or at least become uncomfortable after wearing for hours. Since there isn't an alternative to wearing a mask at this point (besides staying home), we tried out these mask extenders to see if they would help with the strain. 

The mask extenders are essentially just silicone straps with notches/brackets that can hold the mask's straps. 

This particular brand, SZXSDY, is obviously a knockoff version, but I mean how different can silicone straps be? To start, I picked these because they were super affordable (under $10 at time of posting). They come as a pack of 10 in a variety of colors - see photo above. They wash easily and are quite comfortable to wear. 

Do they work??

It depends on the type of mask you're wearing. We found these to work great when wearing a mask with elastic straps and with disposable masks. The best function is with masks that have an adjustable strap. I did try using these with cotton/cloth masks and they weren't great. The cloth straps slid off too easily - kind of like how they get loose on your face too. So I guess the answer is, yes they work great unless you use a cloth mask without elastic. 

