EVL BCAA Lean Energy Fruit Punch Review - Evolution Nutrition

Evolution Nutrition BCAA Lean Energy 

While this is a weight management supplement, I love it as a drink mix and alternate form of caffeine. Evolution Nutrition sources ingredients well and is gluten free. I know this might seem like drink mixes should all be gluten free, but it can be fairly difficult to find one that actually is if you have a gluten intolerance. 

The flavor is actually fruity, and not like the Hawaiian Punch style fruity, but actual fruit tasting. It contains around the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, but I don't notice a caffeine crash when I drink this that I sometimes get with coffee. 

It mixes is very well and rarely clumps (usually only if it's super old and the house is humid), but even then the clumps will dissolve in water fairly well. I noticed this one isn't messy to dish up like some other drink mixes. They oversize the containers to allow for placement of the scoop without powder flying out when you try to grab it. I guess that could be a con for wasteful packaging, but it is all recyclable.  

Overall, I like this one and it seems fairly average cost for energy drink mixes, especially with well sourced ingredients. I've tried the blue raspberry as well and have liked both flavors so far. 

