GobiDex Magnetic Tiles Building Blocks Unboxing Review

With fall upon us and looking at the start of a school year, we wanted to look into some toys that could be both fun and educational, or at least work on building motor skills. 

These magnetic tiles seem to cover the bases. The kids seem to have fun building with these, but also works great to teach 2D shapes to younger ones. Plus they can grow with your child intro 3D building and comes with picture ideas for building a castle. The magnets seem to hold the tiles together well, though the 3D building can be a bit tougher as the magnets like to hold the tiles back to back if there are three put together at once. 

The tiles are very lightweight, but feel fairly sturdy and don't seem like they would break easily. The toddlers love playing with these and we found the parents actually enjoyed playing with them after the kids had gone to bed as well. 

Overall, the GobiDex Magnetic Tiles seem like good value and a fun multipurpose toy for kids ranging from 3-8. They are lighter are easy to build with, but the magnets can pull the pieces together making 3D building a little trickier sometimes. 

