Active Wow 24K White Teeth Whitening Kit with Charcoal Review

Charcoal seems to be in everything these days and teeth whitening kits have definitely not escaped. I tried out the Active Wow 24K White Charcoal kit to see if it actually worked. Scroll down to watch the review! 

The kit comes with three syringes of whitening paste along with 3 mouth pieces. This seemed odd to me because wouldn't you want to whiten tops and bottoms?? Maybe it is just a spare in case you mess up. The direction were fairly easy to follow for making the mouth pieces, but don't leave them in too long or they shrink smaller than your teeth. 

Next comes the paste application. They recommend using a cotton swab, though I found this to be a bit like nails on a chalk board. Plus it didn't seem to apply very easily this way. I ended up applying with the syringe directly and just tried to be careful not to get my gums. I also noticed that it was really hard to apply to bottom teeth after doing top, so I would recommend starting with bottom teeth.

The LED light can be held easily with mouth, but 20 minutes is a long time to hold in mouth. I was fairly sore after since it is an odd position to hold your mouth for that long. I think they even recommended 30 minutes, but I didn't make it that long. Perhaps laying down would help but not super comfortable to lay on your back with your mouth closed either.  

 It did rinse off easily and seemed to do a decent job whitening. 

The price is in line with most whitening kits. And it did seem to make a difference. My teeth were more sensitive after using. They recommend using at least once a week, but that seems like it might be damaging to my teeth, so use at your own caution. 

