Redeo Solar Sonic Mole, Mole, and Gopher Repeller Review

Summer is upon us and with that comes flowers and fresh vegetables as well as the rodents that want to eat them. We try to avoid using poisons near our plants and have been searching for an easier way to keep the yard looking nice without laying traps. Enter the Redeo Rodent Repellers.

These are supposed to work in an up to 60 foot radius by emitting sound to repel ground dwelling rodents (moles, voles, mice, gophers, etc). Using that thought, we placed one of these in our backyard in the vegetable garden and one in our front yard near our fruiting plants. We have had issues for many years with mice and voles eating our produce as well as causing the lovely snake-like lines through the grass.

The spikes are solar powered which is great as we won't have to replace batteries. You do have to check occasionally to ensure the panel is clean, but it works fairly well even when it is a bit dirty. As far as I can tell it continues making noise throughout the night so it doesn't take much sun to get these to work. You will need a guide or sacrificial stake to create a pilot hole in which to place these as you may damage the product if you force into the ground or hit it. It doesn't come with guide or sacrificial stake, but they were still fairly easy to install. If the ground is loose or slightly damp you may be able to place directly otherwise I would recommend either digging a small hole to bury or pounding in a stake first to create the hole.

They make a sound roughly every 30 seconds that you may or may not be able to hear. I can hear it, but my husband cannot. It isn't very loud or irritating, but be aware that you will hear it. So far they seem to be working well. The only spot we are having issues is at the edge of the working distance which tells me we might need to get a couple more. We haven't had any vole or mice within 30 feet of the repeller spike.

Overall, they seem like decent value and a viable alternative to traps and poisons.
