Diesel Spirit of The Brave Fragrance Review

As a part of influenster, I recently got a Voxbox with Diesel Spirit of The Brave sample inside. While I don't normally wear scents every day, I do like trying out new fragrances. Part of the reason I don't wear cologne more is due to the high price point, which is why getting samples is so great.

I tried this out a few days and found it to be a bold and fun scent. My wife liked it better than many others I've tried even though it is a stronger fragrance than many of the others men's colognes available. I would offer a word on caution when applying to start slow. Spray once and see how strong it is before wearing more. This could easily become an overwhelming scent if you are an active sprayer. Using one spritz, the scent lasting all day even after outdoor work and workouts. This makes it great value as opposed to colognes that require higher use to maintain the great scent. I made the mistake of spraying a couple of times the first time I used and it was definitely too much and stuck with me all day. 

While I still may not be able to bring myself to purchase cologne for nearly $50 at this time, it is one of the more affordable colognes on the market that does offer great, long lasting scent. If you are in the market for a new cologne, I would definitely recommend this both on scent and value. Also, as I previously mentioned, my wife also liked this one so it is a recommendation from both men and women for guys in the market to impress. 😜 I did get this complimentary sample through the influenster program, but was not compensated outside of the sample for this review. 
