Nasacort 24 Hour Allergy Relief Review

 While I am a year-round allergy sufferer, things really pick up once spring and summer roll around. I am an avid gardener, love pretty much all outdoor activities and regularly hang out with dogs - so basically I'm doing everything I can to aggravate my allergies. I was lucky enough to get a free sample of Nasacort recently and I definitely put it to the test. 

Full Size Nasacort
Nasacort was incredibly simple to use. You can use it like any other nasal spray (two sprays in  each nostril). I found that this worked even with only one spray on each side. The spray was relatively fast acting and made a big difference for me throughout the day. While I found it didn't last 24 hours, it did seem to perform well for 12 hours. I worked a full day in the garden with the dogs, walked past fields where farmers were tilling, and was exposed to a both dusty and musty environment inside over the course of 1 day - this definitely reduced my symptoms! I wasn't stuffed up during the day and most of the evening. Plus my headaches and sneezing were significantly reduced from what I typically experience.

The bottle is easy to transport as it is light and doesn't leak. It is also much more simple to purchase than Zytec-D or one of the behind the counter allergy remedies. As for cost, this is similar to many other options running around $15/month, but is slightly less expensive.

I didn't find much I didn't like about Nasacort. Really the only thing I can even think of is the taste it leaves in my throat, but this quickly goes away with food or drink. I also don't agree that it is 24-hour relief, but I would say it provides a solid 12 hour window of reduce symptoms.

All-in-all, this is a great product. It performs better than others I've used and I would recommend it for any allergy sufferers. This is a great option for those that have trouble swallowing pills or want more rapid relief. Nasacort offers cost effective allergy symptom alleviation and is easy to use on the go. It worked for me and I hope it works for you too!
